What should you charge for your board game? Some different ways of setting a price point (video):
Designing narrative puzzle games: notes on immersion, tactile components, playtesting, and more (audio):
The top things that are probably wrong with your game: common problems that show up in game designs over and over again (audio):
Crowdfunding communications: how build a happy backer community, how often to post updates, lessons the community can teach project owners, and more:
Sources of public-domain art for tabletop games—and some tips for using them:
When the rights to a game revert back to the designer, can they continue to use changes that were made by the publisher during development?
3 simple ways to have your project rank higher on Kickstarter:
How a thematic win condition not only drives play, but allows for better immersion (audio):
Ending the game: how different game-end triggers can make for different player experiences (audio):
Drafting games: variations on the mechanism, the decisions it creates, and how designers can play around with it (audio):
part 1: https://decisionspace.podbean.com/e/drafting-pt-1-what-we-talk-about/
part 2: https://decisionspace.podbean.com/e/drafting-decisions-pt-2-what-we-talk-about/
World-wide shipping for board games: parcel fulfillment methods, options, and best practices for 2024:
Translating game text to language-neutral diagrams—a step-by-step process:
You can adapt and use this free online form to collect feedback from playtesters:
form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1djp-n0RfIyTY-q4MbbFjX6Wi27zq9Tn6mVzZd-yGf-c/copy
details: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3274021/free-playtester-survey-handout-for-your-game