A quick guide to effective playtesting: setting objectives, balancing feedback, encouraging constructive criticism, and more:
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
A quick guide to effective playtesting: setting objectives, balancing feedback, encouraging constructive criticism, and more:
File prep: how to properly prepare your board game’s files to be sent to the manufacturer for printing (video):
Things to look for in a quality rulebook, and things that make one poorly written—a Bluesky board game community discussion:
A template for creating your board game’s elevator pitch:
Planning to self-publish your board game design? Use this checklist to make sure you’re ready:
Things that small board game publishers should know about working with a manufacturer (video):
How to sabotage your dreams as a new board game designer—a cautionary tale (video):
Some notable milestones in the life of a board game designer—some good, some not so good (video):
also available as a Bingo card:
The various structures that underpin (pretty much) any game (video):
How to find a publisher—lots of pointers for each step of the process:
5 common mistakes to avoid when preparing your board game’s files for manufacturing (video):
The 10 skills you’ll need as a board game designer—and designing games is only the first one (video):
This Google Docs add-on lets you easily add icons to your rulebook (video):
A short thread about a three-pronged framework for making a game fun: orientation, engagement, and satisfaction:
10 common mistakes to avoid when writing a rulebook for your board game (video):
Pointers for participating in board game design contests: what’s out there, what to expect, how to approach them, and more (video):
see also: https://cardboardedison.com/contests
An overview of the board game manufacturing process (video):
The essentials of crowdfunding a board game project, from two experts in the field (video):
This online tool lets you easily lay out cards for printing in different configurations:
Advice for how to prepare to pitch your board game design to publishers (video):