The Compendium

the board game publisher directory

information on more than 350 board game publishers

  • who's accepting submissions

  • what they're looking for

  • how to contact them

  • conventions they attend

  • and much more

Latest major update: September 2024

Latest minor update: February 2025

For access:

Support Cardboard Edison on Patreon ($2+/month)

(get the access code at the above link)


Purchase an access code ($35 one-time fee)

(the access code will be emailed to you after checkout)



About The Compendium

What's in The Compendium?

Profiles on more than 350 board game publishers, including whether they are accepting submissions, what types of games they publish, representative titles from their catalog, where they are based, whether they plan to use crowdfunding, conventions they regularly attend, how they prefer to be contacted, and more. Much of this information is not publicly available anyplace else!

How often is The Compendium updated?

We’re always making small additions to the directory, but we conduct major updates several times a year. During these updates, we reach out to any publisher whose profile hasn’t been updated in more than a year.

Why charge?

We're committing to maintain The Compendium for the long run. That means ensuring the information remains current even in a rapidly changing industry. That's a huge commitment of time (and money). Charging for access helps us offset those considerable costs.

How does paying for access work exactly?

There are two ways to gain access. You can support Cardboard Edison through Patreon for $2 or more a month, or you can make a one-time payment of $35 through our website. If you choose the Patreon option, there's no minimum time commitment. If you choose the one-time option, you'll have access forever. In either case, you'll receive a code that will let you access The Compendium here.

Why isn’t a certain big-name publisher included in the directory?

All of the information in The Compendium is provided directly from publishers to us, so we almost certainly reached out to them, and they either declined to be included or haven’t responded. Inclusion in the directory is always voluntary on behalf of the publishers.

How can I add my publishing company to the list?

Email us or contact us at any of the social-media accounts below.

Is there a charge for publishers?

There's no charge for publishers to have a profile in the database. If you want access to the full database, you can always pay using one of the two methods mentioned above.