How games can inspire delight in players:
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
How games can inspire delight in players:
Thoughts on how board game designers can use “Memory Palace” techniques to create better experiences for players:
Lots of advice for up-and-coming board game designers from the design community on Twitter:
Betting and bluffing: games that use the mechanics, how they work, and the kinds of experiences they offer for players (video):
Deck-building games: an overview of how they’ve evolved since Dominion:
Scorekeeping: the tradeoffs that come with various common methods of tracking scores:
Going into board game publishing means managing money—here are the big things to keep track of and how much of a financial cushion you might need for each:
5 excuses board game designers make that hold them back—and why they’re no excuse not to move ahead with your design efforts (video):
What publishers want from designers: a discussion about prototype quality, graphic design, communication, pitching multiple publishers, sell sheets, doing your research, and more (video):
Common development problems you can address before showing your game to a publisher:
Tips for using traditional games to create new ones:
10 ways a board game company can regain customers’ trust after losing it:
Automatic resource growth: a deep discussion of the game mechanic, what it’s like for players, when it’s appropriate or not in a design, and more (video)
If games are a social activity, what role do players take on to make it an engaging one for all involved?
A look at the roll-and-write genre, and the role its player interface might play in its success:
15 ways to increase a game’s replayability (video):
What kinds of characteristics do games that appeal to broad audiences have?
A short thread on how game sales to mass-market outlets works:
How some tabletop games use rituals to welcome players into the magic circle at their start:
Auctions where players take turns until everyone else passes: games that use the mechanic and what it’s like for players (video):