Data from people who don’t like board games about why they don’t like them:
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
Data from people who don’t like board games about why they don’t like them:
How identifying your game’s “dramatic question” helps keep it focused and connects the theme and mechanics:
5 creative filming techniques for eye-catching board game videos (video):
Thoughts on branching paths in narrative and campaign-style tabletop games (video):
What to ask playtesters? A Reddit board game design forum discussion:
Lots of low-ink score tracks in various sizes and configurations:
A short thread on games getting cancelled by publishers: why it happens and how designers can protect themselves:
Historical board games: several designers on how they tackle the more unpleasant aspects of history and decide what to include or leave out:
Half a dozen board game designers discuss all the various steps of making a game (video):
Trademarks in board games: how they work and what’s involved in applying for one:
How experience with games can lead designers astray, and how the language we use can keep new players out:
How networking can help you get your board game signed with a publisher:
The important difference between inventive and innovative board games:
Seven sources of public-domain artwork for game creators:
A short thread on how creativity works and some simple steps you can take to help generate unique ideas for games:
Thoughts on what players are really asking for when they say they want a balanced game:
What makes some games “easy to pick up”? Thoughts on intuitive and familiar game mechanics:
What is interaction? Thoughts on how to define player interaction and some cases that may or may not fit the definition:
Thoughts on how board games can give players rewards of varying size at different points in the game—and why they should:
Horror in board games: why it’s so hard to do well, things that define the genre, and how they map to tabletop games: