Games that make use of a “sweet spot” dynamic, and why it can create such interesting decisions for players:
If you’re stuck on a game design, here are some methods to try and get past designer’s block: (audio, starting at 22:05):
Community answers to a perennial question from new board game designers: How concerned should I be about someone stealing my game idea?
Infinite combos: good or bad? Thoughts from the Reddit board game design forum:
Designer tricks: how some designers focus in on a particular aspect of a game and riff on it in future designs while keeping it feeling fresh (audio):
Step-by-step instructions for how to make a pitch video that is clear and concise without too much unnecessary fuss:
Examples of excellent rulebooks—a BoardGameGeek forum discussion:
A chat about progression in board games: what it is and different ways it can show up in games (audio):
Generally good advice that you might not want to follow: a frank and detailed conversation about getting into publishing, launching a crowdfunding campaign, marketing a game, and more (audio):
The Spiel des Jahres: what it is and what it isn’t:
Two reasons why board game designers shouldn’t pay for art for their prototype:
Catch-up mechanics: Are they necessary? How can they be included in a design? And when do they work well—or not? (audio):