6 truths about the board game industry, and especially what it’s like for game designers (video):
Winning: a conversation about why players care about winning a game (audio):
Horror in board games: thoughts on what works and doesn’t:
What does it mean for a game to be “too long”? What makes players feel like a game goes on too long? Or not long enough? (audio)
Dice, cards, and more: Different ways of generating random numbers and what makes them fun (audio):
Highlights from Hasbro's inaugural Women Innovators of Play event (video):
—The journey into board game design, with Elizabeth Hargrave
—Lots of tips for pitching to publishers
—How mass-market toys and games are made
—Overcoming doubt and imposter syndrome
—Working habits to be a successful toy and game inventor
Some hidden ways that board games can be more complex than you, as a gamer and the designer, might realize:
Websites that can generate maps for board game prototypes:
How do you feel about board games that use electronic devices to assist players with part of the game? A Bluesky game designer discussion:
Towards a theory of what makes a trick-taking game great:
Why “don't expect your first board game design to be publishable” might be bad advice for new designers:
A short thread with some little things no one tells you about running a crowdfunding campaign for your board game: