Ways of keeping players engaged with a game’s thematic setting even after repeated plays:
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
Ways of keeping players engaged with a game’s thematic setting even after repeated plays:
A huge roundup of tips for becoming a better board game designer (video):
Nicole Amato, games outreach lead for Kickstarter, discusses how creators can engage with the platform: building an audience, setting a project funding goal, considering shipping, canceling and relaunching, and more (video):
Answers to questions about manufacturing plastic miniatures for board games:
Different player counts and the kinds of experiences that each tends to offer (video):
10 things you can do to keep up the momentum of your crowdfunding campaign, even if you’re going through a mid-campaign slump:
The ABCs of board game design (M-R): quick explanations for common terms used by board game designers (video):
Satire, parody, and commentary in board games: what’s required for a game to be successful at any of them:
This broad overview of how to get your board game to market covers all the industry basics new designers need to know:
Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games answers lots of questions about board game publishing: production, distribution, building a crowd, digital games, and more (video):
Here are some design considerations for anyone making large-group games—ones for more than 5 or even thousands of players (video):
Board game design lessons from Marvel Snap:
Places new board game designers can network and build up a name for themselves, in person and online:
Why it’s important for the pitch for your board game to be as enticing as possible, and how to start making it so:
Notes on how thematic elements can build on one another to add texture and tension to gameplay:
Thoughts on the different kinds of engagement that games can offer to players: choices and strategy, skill and execution, and self-expression (video):
When your crowdfunding campaign doesn't fund or you have to cancel, it can be devastating. Here are things to keep in mind and what to do next (video):
Component Studio 2: an overview of how to use it to create cards for your board game prototype (video):
Some of the major ways board games can have less downtime for players:
Thematic abstraction: how to make a thematic experience by selecting which aspects of a setting to portray in your game: