Tips and considerations for designing games based on real-world systems (audio):
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
Tips and considerations for designing games based on real-world systems (audio):
Games that use 6-sided dice, and tips for making prototype designs that use them (video):
Tips for making board game prototypes faster and cheaper (video):
Basics of game balance: types of balance and considerations for designers:
10 ways of using dice in your board game aside from roll-and-move:
How board game designers use 3D printers for prototyping—a Twitter designers discussion:
Some bad habits that board game designers should be careful not to fall into:
Mistakes that may sink your crowdfunding project:
Elizabeth Hargrave on game design lessons she’s learned, including on getting inspiration, failing faster earlier, prototyping cards, finding bits, articulating your vision, and more (video)
How games create art by exploring different modes of agency (audio):
7 traps that can ruin your crowdfunding campaign, and how to avoid them:
Board games through the lens of story structure: how setup is like exposition, and scoring is the denouement:
Push-your-luck games: what they are, how they work, and examples of the genre (audio):
How board game designers can incorporate some basic market-research techniques into their early design processes:
How to get started designing an 18-card game—a Twitter board game design discussion:
Should you pitch your board game design to publishers or self-publish it? Some pros and cons of each approach:
A walkthrough of how to create board game prototype cards in PowerPoint (video):
How to write the opening paragraph of lore for your board game:
How can designers knit together their game’s theme and mechanics well? One way is by considering the narrative framing of the game:
Two situations when you might need to pursue a new path for a game design—to differentiate it from another design, or to make it lighter or heavier—and how to do that: