“Who are the players in the game?” Here are some common categories of player roles:
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
“Who are the players in the game?” Here are some common categories of player roles:
What board game designers need to know about intellectual property law—how patent, copyright, and trademark apply to what they do:
Lessons learned from starting a board game publishing company (video)
Which board games have the best box backs? A Twitter board gamers discussion:
Grouping different kinds of player strategies, along with the themes that tend to pair well with them:
The board game industry seeks novelty, but many players seek the familiar. How can game designers reconcile the two?
Working with a big publisher as a game designer versus working with a small publisher:
Trends in evergreen games that stay atop best-seller lists:
Game structures: different kinds of play modes and the mechanics and themes that tend to fit well with them:
An overview of all the steps it takes to deliver a crowdfunded board game from the manufacturer to backers around the world:
A conversation about how to build and maintain a positive community around your board games (video)
Low player counts: design considerations when making games meant for 1, 2, or 3 players (video)
Three different types of objectives in games: how they work in a design and affect the play experience:
Digital prototyping tools: pros and cons of Tabletop Simulator, Tabletopia, Tabletop Playground, and Screentop.gg (video)
Tips for designers who are early in the process of learning about making a game—a Reddit tabletop game design forum discussion:
Fulfilling a board game crowdfunding campaign yourself vs. using a fulfillment company: pros and cons:
There’s a spectrum of how deeply a game’s theme connects with players’ actions—here are some ways of categorizing that range:
Board game designers are often advised to think about the experience their game offers. So what are some kinds of common experiences players can get from games?
Examples of non-verbal communication in cooperative games—a Reddit tabletop game design discussion:
What makes a great hook in a board game design? (video)