Opportunities for designers in the board game industry: finding them, creating them yourself, missing them, and giving them to others (audio):
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
Opportunities for designers in the board game industry: finding them, creating them yourself, missing them, and giving them to others (audio):
Game designer Steve Finn on designing set collection games (audio):
5 mistakes new board game designers make (video)
Notes on your board game’s box and what it needs to do to attract—and keep—a potential buyer’s interest:
Before you sign a contract with a board game publisher, here are five things to make sure are covered (video)
What do we mean, intentionally or accidentally, when we discuss a game’s “theme”?
Board game designers share sell sheets that do the job well:
A quick breakdown of how to write a board game rulebook, including the purpose each section serves:
Beyond theme-first and mechanics-first, here are a few more ways to start a board game design:
7 steps to ship and fulfill Kickstarter rewards: getting accurate shipping prices, booking freight, customer service inquiries, and more:
Three questions you should ask yourself as you start working on a board game design (video, 14:02-20:20)
Tabletop Playground: an overview of the virtual tabletop software, how it works, and how designers can bring their games to the platform (video)
What bad game design habits are you trying to get better at? A Twitter board game designers discussion:
Lots of board game designers share the lessons they learned in 2021:
The life and finances of an independent game designer: what it takes to go full-time, how to arrange royalties, and more (video)
Hasbro’s game scout on how to pitch your board game idea to a publisher (video)
Besides playing more games, what advice do you have to be a better game designer? A Twitter game designers discussion:
5 publishing pitfalls and how to avoid them: EU shipping, cultural consulting, Kickstarter financial planning, and more:
A short thread with a warning for new board game designers about the “kitchen sink” prototype:
Screentop.gg: an overview of the virtual tabletop platform, what it’s capable of, how to create a prototype on it, and various tips and tricks (video)