A process and equipment for making nice-looking custom dice (video):
Having other designers playtest your game is great for some things and not as great for others:
Crowdfunding campaigns typically slow down in the middle—here are some ways of overcoming the mid-campaign doldrums:
Replayability: factors that make a game replayable, how they intersect, and whether replayability actually matters all that much (audio):
21 ways to make the most of playtesting:
Getting out of a game design slump—tips from the Bluesky board game design community:
How developing your communication skills can make you a better board game designer:
“Pillars of design”: lots of questions for board game designers to think through as they work on a new design:
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSmwcCEmdwY
list: https://boardgamedesignlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Pillars-of-Design.pdf