What one board game designer wishes he knew when he first started making games:
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
What one board game designer wishes he knew when he first started making games:
Considering the relationship between a game’s “scope”—the range it covers—and its “resolution”—or level of detail:
Character creation: various ways board games let players build their own characters (video):
Considering games through the lens of economics and how that can shed light on what makes a decision interesting (video):
Endgame triggers: an overview of some of the various ways a game can come to an end:
What tools do you need in order to make your own board game? Surprisingly few to start out:
A process for generating good ideas for your game designs, by making curiosity a habit, asking questions, and iterating:
6 ways to know when your board game design is done:
The basics of designing your own game: a quick Twitter thread:
The limitations of playtesting and thoughts for how to get around some of them:
Why research is important in game design and tips on how to do it (audio):
Metacognition in game design (audio):
Designing games for children (audio):
Deck-building games: Which mechanics are essential? A Twitter board game designers discussion:
Tips for attending a board game publisher speed-dating event:
Finding motivation: how to keep going with a game design even when it feels like a struggle:
An overview of the board game design process: prototyping, deciding on mechanics, finding playtesters, and more (video):
The Spiel des Jahres: what it is and why it matters in the world of game design:
A look at action timers as a game mechanic: how they affect the play experience, games where they work well, and the kinds of players that might enjoy them (video):
Lots of tabletop game designers discuss how they get started with a design: