How to import a set of cards into Tabletop Simulator:
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
How to import a set of cards into Tabletop Simulator:
Potential customers’ repeated exposure to your game helps raise awareness of and engagement with it. Here are some ways that can happen in the real world:
Why you should write your rulebooks in the second person:
Using creative constraints to design tabletop games (video)
Breaking down the cost of a board game: Where does all the money go?
Input randomness vs. output randomness and when one might be better than the other—a Reddit tabletop game designers forum discussion:
Complexity in board games, and how designers can help acclimate players to more complex ideas:
An overview of Kickstarter’s dashboard for project creators (video)
10 ways of modifying a game’s scoring to keep everyone in the game:
How the board game industry is set up (video)
A step-by-step walkthrough of how to set up a Kickstarter campaign (video)
How to figure out if your game is worth continuing to work on, at each step of the process:
What you need to know before running your first board game Kickstarter (video):
This tool can help game designers determine card-draw probabilities for their designs:
Three methods of balancing your board game:
How board games go from Kickstarter to customers—an overview of the manufacturing, shipping, and fulfillment process:
Should modern games let players make huge mistakes that cost them the game early on? A Twitter board game designers discussion:
The key to designing a great game based on a popular intellectual property:
Options for getting a professional-quality prototype of your board or card game printed:
Quick tips for board game designers pitching to publishers at conventions (video)