How the “tragedy of the commons” can be used in board games:
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
How the “tragedy of the commons” can be used in board games:
A short thread about any successful game’s “secret sauce”: what is it, how to identify it, and why it matters:
A short thread with some counterintuitive advice for making your game feel more thematic:
Tips for making the most of organic marketing for your game: conventions, building brand awareness, finding players, and more:
Many things you can do with a deck of cards—great for spurring design inspiration:
The basics of building an audience for your game before launching it on Kickstarter:
This workshop demonstrates the process of taking great board game photos (video)
This tool helps you count and visualize all the possible permutations for tiles (or rings) based on whatever parameters you choose:
Board game designers discuss how much solo testing they do before putting a prototype in front of other players:
How to organize information in a board game rulebook (video)
A thoughtful discussion on how board games can approach the difficult topic of slavery (audio):
The basics of Kickstarter updates: what should be in them, how to make them engaging, and how often to post them:
How to run a Kickstarter—and survive: : figuring out what your goal is, building a community, trying something different, and more (video)
A guide to improving your game’s diversity, positive representation, and accessibility:
What small board game publishers need to know about distribution channels and retailers:
A short thread on a common pitfall to avoid when explaining your game to playtesters:
Lots of meeples of various shapes for Tabletop Simulator:
Pointers for composing great board game product shots (video)
Board game designers discuss how they approach identifying tricky problems in their designs and finding solutions to them: