How board game designers continue finding inspiration to create games in the face of an oversaturated market:
Tips & Resources for Board Game Designers
How board game designers continue finding inspiration to create games in the face of an oversaturated market:
Common pitfalls and basic lessons learned in game design—a Reddit board game designers discussion:
How to optimize your board game Kickstarter emails:
Building and maintaining a healthy community around your Kickstarter campaign (audio):
How to make a great “impress the judge” game:
How to juggle multiple projects at once—a Twitter board game designers discussion:
A short thread laying out various ways games with simultaneous action selection can have players interact:
We’ve begun releasing a new series of infographics about board game licensing contract terms!
The new series updates our reports from 2015 with all-new information about how publishing contracts work today.
The first two installments are out now, with more to follow in the coming months:
Pros and cons of different manufacturing options for your game: printing in the U.S. or overseas, print-on-demand, and handmade copies:
Getting your board game into retail by speaking directly with retailers:
These Google icons are open source and free for everyone to use:
A template for an annual budget for a small game publishing company:
And a video overview for how to use it:
Board game media creators discuss how designers and publishers can work with them most effectively (video)
Different ways board games can make players rely on their skills of deduction:
Making a media kit for your board game:
How much money should you expect a pledge manager to make you?
Designing mini-expansions: pros and cons, what you can do with them, cost considerations, and more:
Lots of advice for playtesting, and its importance to the game design process (video):